Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature: (Committee of the Executive Committee)

H. Masursky, K. Aksnes, G.E. Hunt, M. Ya. Marov, P.M. Millman, D. Morrison, T.C. Owen, V.V. Shevchenko, B.A. Smith, V.G. Tejfel, J.M. Boyce, G.E. Burba (+2 others)
1988 Transactions of the International Astronomical Union  
Since the General Assembly at New Delhi in November 1985, the Working Group held two meetings within six weeks of each other; most members of the Working Group and several members of Task Groups were able to attend at least one of these meetings. The thirteenth meeting of the Working Group was held at Toulouse, France on June 30 to July 2,1986; the fourteenth meeting was held at Moscow, USSR, on August 10,1986; the fifteenth meeting took place from August 13 to 15 in Soviet Armenia.
doi:10.1017/s0251107x00007604 fatcat:khopk4psybe3rfqqefmb3a6ni4