The in vitro metabolism of mevalonate by sterol and non-sterol pathways

M Righetti, M H Wiley, P A Murrill, M D Siperstein
1976 Journal of Biological Chemistry  
The metabolism of mevalonic acid by both sterol and non-sterol pathways has been evaluated in nine tissues of the rat. An in vitro estimation of the non-sterol, or "shunt", pathway of mevalonate metabolism was made possible by determining the conversion of [2-14C]mevalonate or [5-14C]mevalonate to 14CO2 in tissue slices. In confirmation of our previous results, the kidney was found to play a major role in the metabolism of mevalonate to sterols and sterol precursors. The shunt pathway accounted
more » ... for a significant percentage of the mevalonate metabolized in kidney, ileum, spleen, lung and testes, but was of minor importance or undetectable in liver, brain, skin, and adipose tissue. Kidney, however, proved to be by far the most active tissue site of mevalonate metabolism by the shunt mechanism in that, on an average, renal tissue metabolized (R)-[14C]mevalonate over the non-sterol pathway at a rate that was 21 times that of any other tissue examined. These results indicate that the kidneys are of major importance in the metabolism of mevalonate by each of the known pathways of metabolism of this sterol precursor.
pmid:1262340 fatcat:tuqsex4sifdubljc6yqwdcwxaa