Spectral functions of a time-periodically driven Falicov-Kimball model: Real-space Floquet dynamical mean-field theory study

Tao Qin, Walter Hofstetter
2017 Physical review B  
We present a systematic study of spectral functions of a time-periodically driven Falicov-Kimball Hamiltonian. In the high-frequency limit, this system can be effectively described as a Harper-Hofstadter-Falicov-Kimball model. Using real-space Floquet dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT), we take into account interaction effects and contributions from higher Floquet bands in a non-perturbative way. Our calculations show a high degree of similarity between the interacting driven system and its
more » ... ctive static counterpart with respect to spectral properties. However, as also illustrated by our results, one should bear in mind that Floquet DMFT describes a non-equilibrium steady state (NESS), while an effective static Hamiltonian describes an equilibrium state. We further demonstrate the possibility of using real-space Floquet DMFT to study edge states on a cylinder geometry.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.96.075134 fatcat:fsn7ko6t3vgahkq4chbglwj3wm