Nonlinear on-chip capacitor characterization

Tomas Sutory, Zdenek Kolka, Dalibor Biolek, Viera Biolkova
2007 2007 18th European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design  
The paper deals with a modification of the CBCM method for nonlinear on-chip capacitance characterization. The proposed modification uses two DC swept sources to measure the whole nonlinear Q-v characteristic in both polarities without the necessity to switch the object being measured. A test-chip implementing the method was designed and manufactured in the 0.35μm CMOS process. It was used for MOSCAP characterization in the full operating voltage range.
doi:10.1109/ecctd.2007.4529576 dblp:conf/ecctd/SutoryKBB07 fatcat:kfpr4fzkivhnjl6xwxwdykjhqm