Influence of magnetic fields on cold collisions of polar molecules

Christopher Ticknor, John L. Bohn
2005 Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics  
We consider cold collisions of OH molecules in the ^2Π_3/2 grounds state, under the influnce of a magnetic field. We find that modest fields of several thousand gauss can act to suppress inelastic collisions of weak-field seeking states by two orders of magnitude. We attribute this suppression to two factors: (i) An indirect coupling of the entrance and the exit channel, in contrast to the effect of an applied electric field; and (ii) the realtive motion of the entrance and exit scattering
more » ... holds. In view of these results, magnetic trapping of OH may prove feasible.
doi:10.1103/physreva.71.022709 fatcat:w3dznj3ewjb2vaw5gyibycptdy