Photophoresis and the Pile‐up of Dust in Young Circumstellar Disks
O. Krauss, G. Wurm
Astrophysical Journal
A rapidly growing number of observations reveal ever more structure in young circumstellar disks that are presumed to be forming planetary systems. Prominent features observed are ring-shaped dust distributions with sharp inner edges around stars like the young, main-sequence star HR 4796A. Models aiming to explain the formation of these dust rings by grain migration incorporate radiation pressure of the central star as one shaping force in radial direction. However, the radiometric effect of
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... otophoresis has been ignored, so far, in this context. This effect is based on a radiation-induced temperature gradient on the surface of a particle and the consequential nonuniform interaction with surrounding gas. The resulting force is able to effectively influence the motion of particles in gaseous environments, but so far photophoresis has been limited to applications in the field of aerosol science. Here we present calculations that underline the relevance of the photophoretic force for the dynamics of particles in gas-rich, optically thin circumstellar disks. Depending on the gas pressure, photophoresis can be stronger than radiation pressure, gas drag, and gravity by orders of magnitude. Then the motion of particles ranging in size from 1 m to 10 m will be dominated by photophoresis. Since the photophoretic force is a function of the gas density, it provides an efficient mechanism for fast radial migration of particles to a definite distance from the star where the gas density reaches a value at which photophoresis is in equilibrium with all other forces at work. By this effect, material is swept out from the inner region of the disk and piled-up in a more or less confined belt around the star. Thus, the formation of ringlike structures of the dust distribution can most naturally be explained without any further assumptions. Since photophoretic pile-up also works for larger bodies, it might even trigger the formation of Kuiper belts. Subject headingg s: circumstellar matter -planetary systems: formation -stars: individual (HR 4796A)