Incidences of anthropogenic pressure on the degradation of the scrub of the western Algerian region (Tlemcen, case of Djebel Felloucene): qualitative and quantitative aspects

Rachid Dahmani, Abdessamed Merzouk, Sid Ahmed Aouadj
2021 Biodiversity Journal  
The scrub of Djebel de Fellaoucene is one of the forests of the mounts of the Traras (western of Algeria) that undergoes enormous variations which vary according to the regressive or progressive dynamics under climatic and anthropogenic pressures in semi-arid zones. These landscapes are in fact a mosaic in which several types of matorrals such as scrubland or scrub overlap, determined by multiple factors: the local climate (drought, climatic aridity, etc.), the importance of human activities;
more » ... ergrazing is also a major limiting factor. This current study provides a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the anthropogenic pressure exerted in this area. The methodology adopted in this study is that of Le Houerou (1969) and Montoya (1983) , which is based on the calculation of the annual needs of the herd in forage units, the estimation of the food production potential, the overgrazing coefficient and in addition the anthropogenic pressure index. The result of the forage balance in the forest rangelands of the study area has a forage deficit (overload) of -7,962,360 UF (a sylvopastoral imbalance), the overgrazing coefficient is (91%) and the anthropogenic pressure index is very high (26). The quantification of the impact of anthropogenic action and overgrazing on the forest formations effects makes it possible to establish a trajectory of the cumulative anthropogenic impacts on this area in order to develop restoration strategies and more effective means of protection. Anthropogenic pressure index; Djebel Fellaoucene; overgrazing; scrub; qualitative; quantitative.
doi:10.31396/biodiv.jour.2021.12.3.755.760 fatcat:rkx7w4ehwzfmbnwdbzymssyhla