Quadtree based mouse trajectory analysis for efficacy evaluation of Voice-enabled CAD

X.Y. Kou, X.C. Liu, S.T. Tan
2009 Virtual Environments, Human-Computer Interfaces and Measurements Systems, IEEE International Conference on  
Voice-enabled applications have caught considerable research interest in recent years. It is generally believed that voice based interactions can improve the working efficiencies and the overall productivities. Quantitative evaluations on the performance boost by using such Human-Computer interactions (HCI) are therefore necessary to justify the claimed efficacies and the usefulness of the HCI system. In this paper, a quadtree based approach is proposed to analyze the mouse movement
more » ... s in the proposed Voice-enabled Computer-Aided Design (VeCAD) system. The mouse tracker keeps a record of all the mouse movement during the solid modeling process, and a quadtree based approach is applied to analyze the mouse trajectory distributions in both the traditional CAD and the VeCAD system. Our experiments show that the mouse movement is significantly reduced when voice is used to activate CAD modeling commands. Quadtree; Voice; CAD; Mouse trajectory; HCI; Solid modelling I.
doi:10.1109/vecims.2009.5068892 dblp:conf/vecims/KouLT09 fatcat:xjccm57pdve7nhzqruerwbo2ve