Garry Rondonuwu, Dantje Kelles, Lucky Tamengkel
The retail business is business activities of selling goods or services to individuals for the purposes of self, family, or household. Buying interest is something related to consumer plans to buy certain products, as well as how many units of the product is needed at a particular period. Examples of the research is the supermarket Borobudur Manado, which is one retail company that is egaged in the sale of products such as household appliances, school supplies and office, needs of infants and
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... ildren, food, dirinks, slothing, beauty products and others. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of the influence of the location of the consumer purchase interest in the supermarket Borobudur Manado. In the face of the target market the company has a set of marketing tools, marketing tools that can be grouped into four groups of variables known as 4Ps, namely : Product (produk), Price (Harga), Where (tempat), and Promotion (Promosi). In this study, the study design used is descriptive-qualitative research for finding facts whit proper interpretation and the goal is to find a picture of systematic, factual, and accurate. As for the population in this study is all the customers who come to shop at the supermarket Borobudur Manado. The Study sample was taken 60 respondents, were taken randomly. The type of data used is primary and secondary data. To obtain primary data, consumer writer distributing questionnaires to 60 respondents. This testing is done using the Pearson Product moment (Pedoman suatu model) r table value can be obtained where df=n-2, in this case is the number of samples or the repondent. Hypothesis testing using analytical models of multiple regression analysys (Multiple analisis berganda), namely : Test the coefficient of dtermination (R²) was conducted to determine how much ability the dependent variable to explained by the independent variables. Test statistic t use determines the presence or absence of variable influence of the independent individual the dependent variable in the test at the 0,05 level, if the probability t is smaller than 0,05 then Ho is accepted and rejects Ho. Whereas if the value of probability t is greater than 0.05 the Ho is accepted and Ha refused.