Der Einfluss von Stereotype Threat auf die mathematischen Leistungen von Schülern und Schülerinnen der 9. Schulstufe

Janine Martens
2015 unpublished
This study was intended to compare effects of different stereotype priming methods on the mathematical performances of high school students. Two manipulation methods were used. The first was an article stating that either males or female do better in mathematical fields, the second a questionnaire consisting of adjective pairs typically associated with females or males. Students were asked to answer the questionnaire from the perspective of a typical male or female. This diploma thesis
more » ... tes on the results of the first priming method. The mathematical ability of students prior to the manipulation and after a manipulation was measured. Mathematic scores before and after priming and between different priming conditions were compared. Results show no gender differences in mathematic scores prior to priming, nor after priming. All participants scored less points in the mathematics test after priming, regardless of the priming condition they had been assigned. Priming conditions had no significant impact on the achieved points in Mathematics test, or the self-assessments.
doi:10.25365/thesis.40652 fatcat:63o64bk6lvaw5fxnj5glhwimzm