Teachers' Perception about Female Education and their Social Life

2016 International journal of innovation in teaching and learning  
Many researches elaborated that female education is such substantial for families and for girls themselves that some economists have stated that educating girls may be the single highest return investment available in the developing countries. The researchers revealed the fact that to educate the girls not only improve their personality and enhance their prestige within the society but also benefit the economic growth of the country. So it was very important to find out the reasons for the
more » ... tance of female education and its impact on their lives. The proposed study was intended to explore the teachers" perception about the effects of female"s education on their social life. The sample comprised of eight women; all of them were senior teachers and working at different positions for more than 4 years in the Education Department, International Islamic University Islamabad. The study was a phenomenological design of qualitative research. As a phenomenology study explores the personal experiences of the participants about any phenomenon. To collect the data a semi-structured interview was conducted to obtain the relevant information from the respondents. The interview guide was constructed keeping in view the main variables of the study i.e. female education, social life, health, economic status, home environment. The results of the study portrayed that education enables female to handle their home issues successfully and trains them in the way that they get confidence to find solution for different problems. Almost all participants were in favor that educated females are more courageous, confident and have potential to make their own decisions whether they are in job or not. They started to realize their rights and responsibilities. This study revealed some important themes such as education brings a dramatic change in the women"s life as it lifts up their living standard not only within the family but also within the societies, enhancing their confidence, making them aware of their family"s health, enhancing their selfesteem and self-efficacy, increasing their awareness about the behaviors of people, better upbringing of their children and boosting their management skills. It would not be wrong to say that through women education we can achieve sophistication of civilization, companionate behaviors and sociable living and transmit it to upcoming generations.
doi:10.35993/ijitl.v2i1.377 fatcat:trnexs6qarhnzc35mdgkaurece