A Comparative Study of LiFi and Other Data Transfer Mediums

R. I. Nwosu
2019 Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology  
The growing rate of data transfer is a concern for end users in transmitting large files. There is need for a faster mechanisms for data transfer and Light Fidelity (LiFi) is an alternative medium for transferring data. This study compares LiFi and other data transfer mediums using selected parameters to improve data transfer. It is a better alternative because it's safer, greener, cheaper and it does not have any radio waves or any other medium. It shows that LiFi have a better transfer rate
more » ... 1-3.5Gbps as compared to other mechanisms and its future application is in different fields such as industries, medicine, education and other regions requiring further exploration.
doi:10.9734/cjast/2019/v38i630430 fatcat:il4e7bftljeqtbjfm2noqihsgm