Pratik.V.Gangurde .
2016 International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology  
This paper deals with development of Dynamic Video Recording Surveillance System(DVRSS). It is designed to be used for surveillance of uncontrolled situations such as riot, using a high definition camera extending out from a bullet proof car through an opening provided on the roof of the car. In case of uncontrolled or chaotic situations the forces assigned to control it mostly gets into danger as the situation goes out of control. The aim of this project is to develop DVRSS which will capture
more » ... he whole situation in video form and store or telecast it in order to identify the culprits. The system consists of a high definition camera for video recording which will be deployed through the roof of the vehicle at some height. A novel technology of using rack and pinion for extension of telescopic mast is also introduced. The camera movement is controlled automatically according to the signals from user interface. The controller used is raspberry pi 2.
doi:10.15623/ijret.2016.0502042 fatcat:ejkjk2xzsrb27mz4yv7sd5dsmm