Study on the Social Psychology and Behaviors in a Subway Evacuation Drill in China

GE Xiao-xia, Dong Wei, JIN Hong-yu
2011 Procedia Engineering  
The paper presents the psych-physiological laws of evacuation crowd in subway. Passengers who take part in Evacuation drill that was hold in the Taiyang Palace Subway in Beijing were survyed by questionnaire. The basic data was acquired. Then, psychological responses, behavior characteristic in the pre-evacuation and evacuation phase were researched, and the key effect factors were put out. The results show that slight tension was the main state of main state of mind. the first observation of
more » ... e surrounding circumstances and then start the evacuation behavioral response was a major way. 92.9% of the total crowd began to evacuate in the 60s. Herding behavior and Familiarity-following was less, and the age, gender, and experience was the key factors that affect evacuation results.
doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2011.04.635 fatcat:45qpbbjfkrcs7iuhu7l6a6qp5q