A Similarity Measure Using Smallest Context-Free Grammars

Daniele Cerra, Mihai Datcu
2010 2010 Data Compression Conference  
This work presents a new approximation for the Kolmogorov complexity of strings based on compression with smallest Context Free Grammars (CFG). If, for a given string, a dictionary containing its relevant patterns may be regarded as a model, a Context-Free Grammar may represent a generative model, with all of its rules (and as a consequence its own size) being meaningful. Thus, we define a new complexity approximation which takes into account the size of the string model, in a representation
more » ... ilar to the Minimum Description Length. These considerations result in the definition of a new compression-based similarity measure: its novelty lies in the fact that the impact of complexity overestimations, due to the limits that a real compressor has, can be accounted for and decreased.
doi:10.1109/dcc.2010.37 dblp:conf/dcc/CerraD10 fatcat:wrlvx6pgxzewjp57744w3dccby