Interventional Radiology for Venous Malformations

Akira Kitagawa, Akiko Narita, Nozomu Matsunaga, Shuji Ikeda, Yuichiro Izumi, Makiyo Hagihara, Toyohiro Ota, Hiroshi Furukawa, Kojiro Suzuki
2019 The Japanese Journal of Phlebology  
Venous malformations (VMs) are the most common vascular malformation. Sclerotherapy is the first-line treatment for VMs because of the high reduction rate and lower invasiveness than surgery. Absolute ethanol, Polidocanol and Ethanolamine Oleate are the most commonly used sclerosants in Japan. The effectiveness of interventional radiological treatment for VMs has been reported with improvements in medical equipment. We explain the classification of VMs and practical treatment based on our experience. Jpn J Phlebol 2019; 30(3): 299-304
doi:10.7134/phlebol.19-23 fatcat:7nrbb4iyargyjhw2jn3nvib3ra