Experiential learning for 16-19 year old students : using experiences of risk and failure to make learning more flexible and entrepreneurial

R Dwerryhouse
I would first of all like to thank the following 3 colleagues from Liverpool John Moores University, who have helped and supported me during the course of this research. I am tremendously grateful for the time they have spent in reading my work and challenging my thinking. First of all I would like to thank Geoff Fenwick who has guided me since the very early days, in thinking about a research question, supporting me through to the MPhil stage and then encouraging me to go on to PhD. There is
more » ... question that without his support and advice I would not have got as far as I have. I would also like to thank Professor Dave Huddart and Professor Mark Brundrett who have provided invaluable advice and guidance on all aspects of the research. The promptness and clarity of their feedback has been an immense help. Also, the meetings I have had with them and the 'can do' message they have constantly put across has really encouraged me to make the final push to submission. Finally, I would like to thank my wife Ann, for her unfailing love, and constant encouragement, and my 3 daughters Rachel, Helen and Faye for their support and kind words. Without them I would not have achieved what I have.
doi:10.24377/ljmu.t.00005973 fatcat:fyfja763czaclnd3j27pkbv3eq