Multiple criteria decision analysis (MCDA): A tool to support sustainable management of groundwater resources in South Africa

K Pietersen
2007 Water S.A  
The National Water Act (NWA) of 1998 has been promulgated in South Africa to support the attainment of sustainable water resource use. Before the Act was promulgated, landowners were entitled to unlimited groundwater use. The Act rectified this anomaly; however, the practical application of sustainable development concepts in groundwater resource management will be complex. A multiple criteria decision analysis (MCDA) approach was used to identify critical alternative courses of action and to
more » ... velop a decision-making framework for sustainable groundwater management. Through applying the decision model described in this paper a number of strategies have been proposed which are aligned to the legislative requirements of the NWA.
doi:10.4314/wsa.v32i2.5242 fatcat:qqhrwjkjlbd7tbrqdd34iftfia