Market Behavior Be a Man or Become a Nurse: Comparing Gender Discrimination by Employers across a Wide Variety of Professions Be a Man or Become a Nurse: Comparing Gender Discrimination by Employers across a Wide Variety of Professions

Dorothea Kübler, Julia Schmid, Robert Stüber, Dorothea Kübler, Julia Schmid, Robert Stüber, Dorothea Kübler, Julia Schmid, Robert Stüber, Dorothea Kübler, Julia Schmid, Robert Stüber
2017 unpublished
We investigate gender discrimination and its variation between firms, occupations, and industries with a factorial survey design (vignette study) for a large sample of German firms. Short CVs of fictitious applicants are presented to human resource managers who indicate the likelihood of the applicants being invited to the next step of the hiring process. We observe that women are evaluated worse than men on average, controlling for all other attributes of the CV, i.e., school grades, age,
more » ... mation about activities since leaving school, parents' occupations etc. Discrimination against women varies across industries and occupations, and is strongest for occupations with lower educational requirements and of lower occupational status. Women receive worse evaluations when applying for male-dominated occupations. Overall, the share of women in an occupation explains more of the difference in evaluations than any other occupation-or firm-related variable. We would like to thank Heike Solga and Paula Protsch for their collaboration and fruitful discussions, the BIBB (Federal Institute of Vocational Education and Training) which made the study possible, and also Katrin Auspurg who helped us with the selection of the vignettes. We also would like to thank Bernd Fitzenberger, Kristina Strohmaier and Marina Töpfer for their comments. We are grateful to Thu-Ha Nguyen, Michaela Zwiebel, Sajoscha Engelhardt, and Manuela Ludwig for their assistance. The paper has benefited from seminar participants at the Humboldt University of Berlin. Financial support from CRC TR190 is gratefully acknowledged. All remaining errors are our own.