Polyadization of Algebraic Structures

Steven Duplij
2022 Symmetry  
A generalization of the semisimplicity concept for polyadic algebraic structures is proposed. If semisimple structures can be presented as block diagonal matrices (resulting in the Wedderburn decomposition), general forms of polyadic structures are given by block-shift matrices. We combine these forms to get a general shape of semisimple nonderived polyadic structures ("double" decomposition of two kinds). We then introduce the polyadization concept (a "polyadic constructor"), according to
more » ... one can construct a nonderived polyadic algebraic structure of any arity from a given binary structure. The polyadization of supersymmetric structures is also discussed. The "deformation" by shifts of operations on the direct power of binary structures is defined and used to obtain a nonderived polyadic multiplication. Illustrative concrete examples for the new constructions are given.
doi:10.3390/sym14091782 fatcat:xnix6h3yqrg2xiafnzjnoswrii