Prediction Markets in Theory and Practice [report]

Justin Wolfers, Eric Zitzewitz
2006 unpublished
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more » ... bedingungen die in der dort genannten Lizenz gewährten Nutzungsrechte. ABSTRACT Prediction Markets in Theory and Practice * Prediction Markets, sometimes referred to as "information markets," "idea futures" or "event futures", are markets where participants trade contracts whose payoffs are tied to a future event, thereby yielding prices that can be interpreted as market-aggregated forecasts. This article summarizes the recent literature on prediction markets, highlighting both theoretical contributions that emphasize the possibility that these markets efficiently aggregate disperse information, and the lessons from empirical applications which show that market-generated forecasts typically outperform most moderately sophisticated benchmarks. Along the way, we highlight areas ripe for future research. JEL Classification: C53, D8, G14
doi:10.3386/w12083 fatcat:vwhzgyut7vhgziziwkt76fa3ly