Principles of academic integrity the internal security system quality of education

L. M. Hrytsaenko
2020 Pedagogical sciences: reality and perspectives  
Випуск 77'2020 Серія 5. Педагогічні науки: реалії та перспективи (intolerance) are revealed. It was found that manifestations of tolerance include: equality; mutual respect; friendliness and tolerance towards representatives of different groups and groups in general; equal opportunities for participation in the political life of all members of society; preservation and development of cultural identity; opportunity to follow their traditions. It is determined that the manifestations of
more » ... e include: insults, ridicule; disregard; negative stereotypes, prejudices; ethnocentrism; search for the enemy. Positions of tolerant and intolerant behaviour in the characteristics of communication are characterized. It is noted that depending on the teacher-student relationship, which is manifested in joint activities, there are four levels of pedagogical communication. It is noted that tolerance can find its expression in the pedagogical work of the teacher, who is in constant creative search for effective means and ways to solve problem situations that often arise unpredictably and spontaneously. It is noted that the formation of civic position, social activity, emotional stability, sociability and tolerance, today are the conditions for the success of human realization in social and personal communication, in professional activities.
doi:10.31392/npu-nc.series5.2020.77.14 fatcat:ntkq6awdhbbyhbd7js6bfnlc2q