Recycled Photons Traveling Several Millimeters in Waveguides Based on CsPbBr 3 Perovskite Nanocrystals

Juan Navarro‐Arenas, Isaac Suárez, Andrés F. Gualdrón‐Reyes, Iván Mora‐Seró, Juan Bisquert, Juan P. Martínez‐Pastor
2021 Advanced Optical Materials  
Such multiple (re)absorption/(re)emission cycles result in a certain population of "recycled photons" concentrated inside the semiconductor. Consequently, an efficient PR effect provides another degree of freedom to control the photon and carrier densities in a semiconductor [2] and hence a way to tailor-made its optoelectronic properties. [3, 4] Demonstrated applications include solar cells, light-emitting diodes, or optical modulators. [2] In this context, PR has been recently claimed in
more » ... e perovskites (HP), as an effect that could contribute to a certain extent to the excellent conversion efficiencies and emission rates reported for this family of semiconductors. [5, 6] Indeed, the strong absorption coefficient above the bandgap and sharp (excitonic) band edge, [7, 8] the small Stokes shift (SS) between photoluminescence (PL) and absorption, [9, 10] and the high PL quantum yield (PLQY) [11, 12] are outstanding
doi:10.1002/adom.202100807 fatcat:qwk7y5dnvraahpiv6ke5vsizte