Identity, Imprisonment, and Narrative Configuration

James Hardie-Bick
2018 New Criminal Law Review An International and Interdisciplinary Journal  
This article addresses the role of self-narratives for coping with the laws of captivity. By focusing on how confinement can disrupt narrative coherence, the intention is to examine the role of self-narratives for interpreting previous events and anticipating future actions. Drawing on a range of interdisciplinary research on self-identity, imprisonment, and offender narratives this article highlights how narrative reconstruction can alter our desires, commitments, behaviour, beliefs and
more » ... By (re)telling a story about our lives it is possible to reinterpret existing circumstances and make new connections between our past, present and future selves. Whilst research suggests the importance of narrative reconstruction for protecting against a sense of meaninglessness, this article shows how self-narratives have the potential to be empowering and divisive. The final part of the article examines how the narratives inmates construct about themselves and others can serve to legitimise violence against other prisoners.
doi:10.1525/nclr.2018.21.4.567 fatcat:35x6o4s2z5cvrne45l2c4drqse