Multigrid preconditioning of steam generator two-phase mixture balance equations in the Genepi software

Michel Belliard
2006 Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, An International Journal  
Within the framework of averaged two-phase mixture flow simulations of PWR Steam Generators (SG), this paper provides a geometric version of a pseudo-FMG FAS preconditioning of the balance equations used in the CEA Genepi code. The 3D steady-state flow is reached by a transient computation using a fractional step algorithm and a projection method. Our application is based on the PVM package. The difficulties of applying geometric FAS multigrid methods to the balance equations solver are
more » ... d. The effects on the convergence behaviour of the numerical parameters are investigated. An original parallel red-black pseudo-FMG FAS multigrid algorithm is also presented. The use of dynamic multigrid cycles leads to perceptible improvements in the computation convergences. Numerical tests (academic and industrial simulations) underline a noticeable computation speed-up, essentially for a large number of freedom degrees: the speed-up reached for 2 or 3 grids ranges between 2 and 3.
doi:10.1504/pcfd.2006.011319 fatcat:p4musqvo6fffje43menlqpzd4e