Technology of the Intelligent System Application for Cyber Threat Analysis at Energy Facilities

Daria A. Gaskova, Aleksei G. Massel
2019 Proceedings of the 21st International Workshop on Computer Science and Information Technologies (CSIT 2019)   unpublished
The article discusses the methods of system analysis for research of cyber threats to energy facilities. This study proposes application of semantic methods to analyse the impact of cyber threats to energy facilities from the point of view of energy security. Such methods are used under conditions of lack or incompleteness of data on vulnerabilities in software and hardware equipment and on Cyber Security incidents in the energy sector. These methods are also employed in modelling the system
more » ... aviour that cannot be accurately forecasted or described formally. The article represents the technology of this Intelligent System application, comprising steps of cyber threats identification, scenarios modelling of extreme situations caused by the implementation of cyber threats, and risk assessment. The technology was developed to evaluate the number of critically vulnerable assets, explain the composition and the likelihood of implementing cyber threats that could cause extreme situations in the energy sector, and to assess risk from their implementation. The deployment of the proposed technology could simplify the process of analysing Cyber Security threats at energy facilities.
doi:10.2991/csit-19.2019.46 fatcat:bfwf36zulndzriq6bsxgr7ugie