
1973 IEEE Transactions on Sonics and Ultrasonics  
An exception to this result is for iron and steel. Two papers, one by W. A. Wood and W. P. Mason and the other by St. Stanzel and R. Mitsche, show that the S-N curves are definitely lower for high frequencies than for low. This series of six papers provides the best estimate of the use of ultrasonics in the study of fatigue mechanisms that has so far been obtained. Other subjects of the conference include such papers as "Dynamic Methods in Plasticity Research" by W. Pechhold and H. Munstedt
more » ... ttgart); "Dynamic Hardness: An Ultrasonic Experiment" by C. Kleesattel (New York); "Metal Plasticity in Macrosonic Fields" by B. Langenecker, V. 0. Jones, and J . llliewich (P.V.L. Laboratory and China Lake Laboratory of U.S. Navy); and "Concepts of Nonlinear Acoustics Applied to Macrosonics" by W. L. Nyborg (University of Vermont). This paper deals mostly with acoustic streaming set up by ultrasonic vibrations and its application to processing. Two papers on Macrosonic drying by K. Seya (Nihon University, Japan) and H. V.
doi:10.1109/t-su.1973.29761 fatcat:nc4itnvvnze7rlzohxm3ga2yxe