Penetrating Head Injury caused by a Nail-gun : A Case Report

Yoshio Sakagami, Hiroshi Kudo, Atsufumi Kawamura, Norihiko Tamaki
1998 Japanese Journal of Neurosurgery  
This report is about a case of penetrating head injury caused by a nail − gun . A 47 − year − old male was adimitted to our hospital with a penetrating head injury . On admisson he was conscious and he showed no neurological deficits . A sma1I wound and part of a nail were observed in his Ieft frontal region , A computed tomographic ( CT ) scan demonstrated the nail but , charlging the level of windows , revealed no significant hemorrhage . Emer − gency surgery was performed and his
more » ... e course has been uneventful . In foreign countries 23 cases of penetrating head inlury caused by nail − guns have been reported . Although only 5cases have been reported in Japan , recently there has been a tendency for them to increase . The correct information should be obtained about penetratlng head injury caused by nai1 − guns .
doi:10.7887/jcns.7.252 fatcat:7rzdgigvuvg4zbuqmrrok55oeq