Effects of Platform Screen Doors on Sound Fields in Underground Stations [chapter]

Yoshiharu Soeta, Yong Hee Kim
2016 Advances in Noise Analysis, Mitigation and Control  
This chapter investigates the acoustic effects of platform screen doors (PSDs) in underground stations using computer simulation and scale model testing. The dimensions of underground stations with island and side platforms were determined based on a field survey. Ray-tracing-based computer models and 1/25 scaled-down physical models of these underground stations were used to simulate their sound field characteristics. In the experiments, five types of PSDs were tested: mobile closed fullheight
more » ... (MCFH), mobile open full-height (MOFH), mobile half-height (MHH), fixed halfheight (FHH) and fixed barrier (FB) doors. Four acoustic parameters, namely, speech intelligibility, sound pressure level, reverberation time and the inter-aural crosscorrelation coefficient were used to understand the sound field characteristics from the sound source of public address announcements. It was found that speech intelligibility and the sound pressure level were increased by most types of PSDs apart from the MCFH. The MOFH showed the highest levels of speech intelligibility and spatial diffusivity. In addition, the noise reduction effects of PSDs for train noise were discussed. PSDs on side platforms showed higher noise reduction performances than PSDs on island platforms. The specific noise reduction levels for the MOFH type were 4.3 dB on island platforms and 5.0 dB on side platforms.
doi:10.5772/64627 fatcat:l23uv33llvdkllqhedviybsbpq