The Association between Child Maltreatment and Adult Revictimization: The Contribution of Early Maladaptive Schemas [dataset]

Mary K. Munroe, Terri Messman-Moore, Sarah Barton, Kathryn Gaffey
2014 PsycEXTRA Dataset   unpublished
The phenomenon of revictimization is well-documented among women, although factors such as interpersonal beliefs and expectations have received relatively little attention in the extant literature exploring the mechanisms responsible for revictimization. Given that sexual victimization is by definition an interpersonal trauma, such interpersonal beliefs are likely relevant to the understanding of revictimization. The current study examined childhood sexual, physical, and emotional abuse in
more » ... ion to adult revictimization in the forms of verbally coerced sexual assault, substance-facilitated sexual assault, and physically forced sexual assault among 781 female undergraduate students. The contributions of interpersonal beliefs in the form of early maladaptive schemas (abandonment/instability, mistrust/abuse, and defectiveness/shame) were examined as predictors of adult revictimization. Logistic regression analyses showed that the schemas, in addition to childhood maltreatment, predicted adult revictimization in the forms of verbally coerced and physically-forced sexual assault. However, no such relationship was found for substance-facilitated assault, suggesting differential risk factors may be relevant for this form of victimization in adulthood. Clinical implications are discussed.
doi:10.1037/e529382014-059 fatcat:emvc7ojexrfodm5t2bfmp4zuc4