Lithium-ion batteries life estimation for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles

V. Marano, S. Onori, Y. Guezennec, G. Rizzoni, N. Madella
2009 2009 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference  
This paper deals with life estimation of lithium batteries for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). An aging model, based on the concept of accumulated charge throughput, has been developed to estimate battery life under "real world" driving cycles (custom driving cycles based on driving statistics). The objective is to determine the "damage" on the life related to each driving pattern to determine equivalent miles/years. Results indicates that Lithium-ion batteries appear to be 10
more » ... ,000 mile capable, provided that they are not overcharged, nor consistently operated at high temperatures, nor in charge sustaining mode at a very low state of charge.
doi:10.1109/vppc.2009.5289803 fatcat:qo2u2b2xzbfaznjy7d3nbxtwuy