A global synchronization network for a non-deterministic simulation architecture

M. Bumble, L. Coraor
WSC'99. 1999 Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings. 'Simulation - A Bridge to the Future' (Cat. No.99CH37038)  
Our previous work presented methods of accelerating nondeterministic discrete event simulation at the processing element level. Here, two algorithms are proposed for synchronizing a network of processing elements according to the next network minimum event timestamp. One method has an expected running time of O(k) while the second has an expected running time of O(k log(k)). A network architecture is developed and simulation results of the time expected to locate and broadcast the next network minimum timestamp are reported.
doi:10.1109/wsc.1999.816880 dblp:conf/wsc/BumbleC99 fatcat:6prj5fi33ngzrlvfkctf2kt5nq