Optical tomography by means of a numerical low-coherence holographic technique

Etienne Cuche, Patrick Poscio, Christian Depeursinge
1998 Advances in Optical Imaging and Photon Migration   unpublished
We propose and experimentally demonstrate an interferometer for femtosecond pulses with spectral bandwidth about 100 nm. The scheme is based on a Michelson interferometer with a dispersion compensating module. A diffractive lens serves the purpose of equalizing the optical-pathlength difference for a wide range of frequencies. In this way, it is possible to register high-contrast interference fringes with micrometric resolution over the whole area of a commercial CCD sensor for broadband femtosecond pulses.
doi:10.1364/aoipm.1998.atud29 fatcat:ovesmribsja6lndzp7z6rrbxzq