Behaviour of multi-aquifer system during pumping test

Yong-Xia Wu, Huai-Na Wu, Shui-Long Shen, Ye-Shuang Xu
2015 Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication  
This paper presents a case history of behavior during a series of pumping tests in an alternated multiaquifer-aquitard system in Tianjin, China. The groundwater system at the test site is composed of a phreatic aquifer and three confined aquifers. Three groups of singe well pumping tests were conducted in aquifers to obtain the hydrogeological parameters of aquifers and to investigate the hydraulic connection between aquifers. Test results show that there is hydraulic connection between
more » ... . Moreover, analytical method is employed to analyze hydrogeological parameters. The analytical solution using Dupuit equation was performed for phreatic aquifer and Hatush-Jacob and Cooper-Jacob method was conducted for confined aquifers.
doi:10.3208/jgssp.cpn-11 fatcat:afbyig34xnhg7oalsoi4npvou4