Implementation of heuristic learning technologies for theoretic concepts formation by students mastering agricultural professions
Впровадження евристичних технологій навчання для формування теоретичних понять студентами-аграріями

Maryna Bilotserkovets, Sumy National Agrarian University, Olha Berestok, Sumy National Agrarian University
2019 Engineering and Educational Technologies  
The paper studies nature and specific features of heuristic learning technologies, significant for the formation of theoretical knowledge by students of agrarian specialties in their course of humanities. Analysis of up-todate scientific works reveals the efficiency of the process of humanitarian theoretical knowledge formation by students due to the involvement of a set of important pedagogical factors, such as: motivation of students by setting ties between humanitarian theoretical concepts
more » ... d their future professional activities; creation and competent defense of personally essential educational products; teaching students to apply heuristic learning technologies (methods for defining theoretical concepts, methods and tools of dialogue interaction in solving complex professional problems, reflexive conclusions, heuristic analytical and comparative learning activities, prediction of the possible outcome of the educational activity and visual representation of its image etc.). The experimental survey was aimed to determine the stages of a humanitarian theoretic concept formation based on the heuristic learning technologies. The first motivational stage provides students' awareness of necessity of the humanitarian theoretical concept that is being formed for their future professional activity. The next searching-creative stage is carried out with various methods and mechanisms of heuristic learning technologies, mastered by students under the conditions of individual creation of educational products. At the reflection stage a teacher and students use pedagogical diagnostic mechanisms to assess the level of formation of the theoretical concept, the level of mastering basic theoretical and practical aspects of the topic as well as the development of critical and creative thinking and professional competences of future specialists in agriculture, their ability to form the necessary knowledge independently. So, heuristic learning activities enable students to segment and study the specific areas of their future professional activity from humanitarian perspectives and establish personal motives for learning humanities.
doi:10.30929/2307-9770.2019.07.01.04 fatcat:g7irmw7k2ja4nf7rkg356fgage