Dynamical approach to chains of scatterers

Martin Horvat, Tomaž Prosen
2007 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical  
Linear chains of quantum scatterers are studied in the process of lengthening, which is treated and analysed as a discrete dynamical system defined over the manifold of scattering matrices. Elementary properties of such dynamics relate the transport through the chain to the spectral properties of individual scatterers. For a single-scattering channel case some new light is shed on known transport properties of disordered and noisy chains, whereas translationally invariant case can be studied
more » ... lytically in terms of a simple deterministic dynamical map. The many-channel case was studied numerically by examining the statistical properties of scatterers that correspond to a certain type of transport of the chain i.e. ballistic or (partially) localised.
doi:10.1088/1751-8113/40/38/010 fatcat:7benyrsnzjaepizlkysiop55fi