Atomic Scale Compositions Across DyScO3/SrTiO3 Interfaces

M Luysberg, M Heidelmann, L Houben, M Boese, T Heeg, M Röckerath, J Schubert
2009 Microscopy and Microanalysis  
Recently, highly conducting layers were reported at the interfaces between complex, insulating oxides of different polarity [1] . The polar discontinuity delivers the driving force for a charge accumulation in the interfacial region which has been demonstrated for LaAlO 3 interfaces with SrTiO 3 . Here it is shown, that the polar discontinuity can be accommodated by variations in composition of cat ion lattice planes at the polar oxide interface between DyScO 3 and SrTiO 3 , where DyScO 3 holds
more » ... the same polarity as LaAlO 3 . An intermixing extending over two monolayers at the interfaces for both, the Dy-Sr sublattice and the Sc-Ti sublattice is quantified. As a result, charge neutrality is established by electrical compensation between neighbouring atomic planes.
doi:10.1017/s1431927609095981 fatcat:nhhrslgmgvalpdbq6yg63wkdje