Developing a Problem-Solving Essay Test Instrument (PSETI)in the Instruction of Basic Science Concepts in Ethnoscience Context

W Winarto, S Sarwi, Edy Cahyono, Woro Sumarni
2022 Journal of Turkish Science Education  
2013), to nurture students constructing their knowledge and to take part in its acquiring process Karatas & Baki (2013) , and to encourage them applying their knowledge in creative ways and to develop a deep understanding (Crebert et al., 2011) . The teaching having no problem-solving skills would not be able to improve those skills to their own students (Solso et al., 2010) . In the end, the students would not have sufficient ability to solve complex problems in their daily lives (Ulger, 2018) .
doi:10.36681/tused.2022.108 fatcat:fdrea2md6bfothvfsk4bgdx5gm