Fast FDTD Simulation Using Laguerre Polynomials in MNA Framework

K. Srinivasan, E. Engin, M. Swaminathan
2007 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility  
In this paper, a fast transient simulation scheme using Laguerre polynomials, called Laguerre-MNA, has been developed for FDTD and circuit simulation. Companion models for the Yee cells and circuit components have been derived, permitting the use of MNA analysis to perform FDTD/transient circuit simulation using the Laguerre method. Companion models help simplify the matrix setup and reduce the matrix dimension that needs to be solved without employing long cumbersome equations. FDTD simulation
more » ... using Laguerre polynomials is unconditionally stable and has shown to be much faster than conventional FDTD scheme. Prior work on transient electromagnetic simulation using Laguerre polynomials has a drawback of being able to simulate only for a certain time-duration. A memory/time efficient solution has been proposed by which simulation can be done for all time.
doi:10.1109/isemc.2007.151 fatcat:vrkfbhonavaz7h3i6amfhflppy