Ten inch Planar Optic Display [report]

L. Beiser, J. Veligdan
1996 unpublished
A Planar Optic Display (POD) is being built and tested for suitability as a high brightness replacement for the cathode ray tube, (CRT). The POD display technology utilizes a laminated optical waveguide structure which allows a projection type of display tc be ccms-tmcted in a thin (1 to 2 inch) housing. Inherent in the optical waveguide is a black cladding matrix which gves the display a black apperiance leadmg to very high contrast. A Digital Micromirror Device, (DMD) f?om Texas Instruments
more » ... used to create video images in conjunction with a 100 milliwatt green solid state laser. An anamorphic optical system is used to inject light icio the POD to form a stigmatic image. In addition to the design of the POD screen, we discuss: image formation, image projection, ar,d optical design constraints.
doi:10.2172/226118 fatcat:wkquibduinanjmag5lvslqie2y