Asset Market Equilibria in Cryptocurrency Markets: Evidence from a Study of Privacy and Non-Privacy Coins

Niranjan Sapkota, Klaus Grobys
2021 Journal of international financial markets, institutions, and money  
This paper explores whether asset market equilibria in cryptocurrency markets do exist. In doing so, it distinguishes between privacy and non-privacy coins. Most recently, privacy coins have attracted increasing attention in the public debate as non-privacy cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, do not satisfy some users' demands for anonymity. Analyzing ten cryptocurrencies with the highest market capitalization in each submarket in the 2016-2018 periods, we find that privacy coins exhibit a
more » ... ct market equilibrium. Contributing to the current debate on the market efficiency of cryptocurrency markets, our findings provide evidence of market inefficiency. Moreover, the asset market equilibrium of privacy coins appears to originate from non-privacy coins with highest market capitalizations. We argue that the reason for this finding could be that non-privacy coins may be the first choice for criminals who might prefer cryptocurrencies exhibiting both a high level of anonymity and liquidity. JEL Classification: G12; G14. ABSTRACT This paper explores whether asset market equilibria in cryptocurrency markets do exist. In doing so, it distinguishes between privacy and non-privacy coins. Most recently, privacy coins have attracted increasing attention in the public debate as non-privacy cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, do not satisfy some users' demands for anonymity. Analyzing ten cryptocurrencies with the highest market capitalization in each submarket in the 2016-2018 periods, we find that privacy coins exhibit a distinct market equilibrium. Contributing to the current debate on the market efficiency of cryptocurrency markets, our findings provide evidence of market inefficiency. Moreover, the asset market equilibrium of privacy coins appears to originate from non-privacy coins with highest market capitalizations. We argue that the reason for this finding could be that non-privacy coins may be the first choice for criminals who might prefer cryptocurrencies exhibiting both a high level of anonymity and liquidity. JEL Classification: G12; G14. ., 2018. Efficiency, multifractality, and the longmemory property of the Bitcoin market: A comparative analysis with stock, currency, and gold markets.
doi:10.1016/j.intfin.2021.101402 fatcat:g2e5gtge6zcv5mmwzl7tjfzila