Instituições de longa permanência e centros dia para idosos em Camboriú e Balneário Camboriú-SC

Alessandra Domingues Malheiro, Daiana Caroline Prestes Feil, Paulo Roberto Ribeiro Nunes, Maria Inês Conceição Da Silva, Flávia De Souza Fernandes
2019 PAJAR - Pan-American Journal of Aging Research  
AIM: The present study had as general objective to analyze the asylum and daycare institutions of the municipalities of Camboriú-SC and Balneário Camboriú-SC.METHOD: This is a descriptive study. Interviews were conducted with clinic leaders. Respondents answered open and closed questions about the modality and nature of the places, capacity of attendance, occupancy of vacancies, structure and general characteristics of the residents, among others.RESULTS: It has been found that most of the
more » ... ents are over 70 and are women. It was found only one place that offered the modality home day and was private.CONCLUSION: As an offer of public power, the Secretariat of the Elderly Person in Balneário Camboriú was identified, offering more than 80 workshops aimed at the elderly with little or no dependency.
doi:10.15448/2357-9641.2019.1.32090 fatcat:q3g4xj763zb4xa7gv6p6hxlsqm