Bankability of a public private partnership in agricultural sector: A project in Sub Saharan Africa

Donato Morea, Marino Balzarini
2019 Agricultural Economics (AGRICECON)  
A public private partnership can be an effective approach to deal the projects with modern agricultural development in Sub Saharan Africa. A former financial analysis of a development project, carried out by the authors, showed that public and private partners can effectively join in a mutually satisfactory venture capital. The same project is now complemented with a bankability study, considering lenders options, equity allocation, collaterals and likely applicable interest rates, available
more » ... h flow and sustainable debt service repayment to provide a through financing scenario for each partner's perspective assessing the relevant Debt Service and Loan Life Cover Ratios. Cash flow and interest rates fluctuation impacts are eventually investigated with a sensitivity analysis to prove the robustness of the proposed scenario.<br />
doi:10.17221/258/2018-agricecon fatcat:l6opuvjoxndabp7cjppem5mzke