Dual Purpose Landscaping Tools: Small Extra Dimensions in AdS/CFT [report]

Joseph Polchinski, Eva Silverstein
2010 unpublished
We propose a class of AdS/CFT dual pairs which have small internal dimensions on the gravity side. Starting from known Freund-Rubin AdS/CFT dual pairs, we use 7-branes to nearly cancel the curvature energy of the internal dimensions while maintaining their stabilization. This leads to a new corner of the landscape -a class of AdS solutions with a hierarchically large AdS radius -with a dual field theory given (implicitly) by the infrared limit of a concrete brane construction involving
more » ... , 7-branes, and curvature. We first construct a class of hierarchical AdS5/CFT4 dual pairs with a simple formula for the number of degrees of freedom which we interpret in the dual QFT. We then generalize these to AdS4/CFT3 duals, and suggest extensions of the method to obtain de Sitter solutions.
doi:10.2172/992450 fatcat:c5bmx3umbfacpjoecxqa3igd2u