Rethinking the Transition to Democracy in the Cases of Military Rule, Religion and Economic Development

2021 Aksaray Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi  
Studies of democratization have developed and have become increasingly more sophisticated across the past 20 years as a result of new datasets being completed and shared. Scholars have written widely on the subject and have offered explanations of transitions to democracy, but some of these explanations are incoherent with others. This paper offers a discussion of a variety of conditions which provide fertile soil for transitions to democracy, ranging from military rule and religion to economic
more » ... development. Addressing this contestation, the paper argues that there is no single explanation for the transition to democracy and that it requires very sophisticated thinking to determine the conditions for democratization.
doi:10.52791/aksarayiibd.903726 fatcat:6o3dzdizrzajjlyywqjestkoea