C-banded Karyotype Analysis of Allium fistulosum and A. altaicum and Their Phylogenetic Relationship
ネギ (Allium fistulosum) とA. altaicumのC-バンド核型分析および類縁関係の検討

Ikuko Inada, Motonobu Endo
1994 Engei Gakkai zasshi  
C-banded karyotypes and their variations were studied in Allium fistulosum and A. altaicum , and the phylogenetic relationship between the two species was verified. 1. All plants of cultivars and strains examined in A. fistulosum had the same karyotypes except for a variation of satellites {K(2n)=14V+2JT, 14V+1JT+1Jt, 14V + 1JT + 1J}. The telomeric and centromeric regions in all chromosomes, satellites and proximal regions to the nucleolar organizer in No. 6 chromosome, and five intercalary
more » ... ons in No. 6, 7, 8 chromosomes were differentially stained as the fundamental C-banding pattern of A. fistulosum . 2. Two strains of A. altaicum were, in whole, similar to A. fistulosum in the karyotype, including the variation of satellites. The C-banding patterns differed between the two species by the presence or absence of three intercalary bands. 3. In F1 hybrid plants between A. fistulosum and A. altaicum , the somatic chromosome complement consisted of eight pairs of chromosomes after C-banded karyotype analysis. Almost homologous meioses in PMCs were observed in F1 hybrid plants. Moreover, F1 hybrid plants showed high seed fertility. Consequently, these results suggest that A. fistulosum and A. altaicum have homologous genomes, and indicate the degree of their close relationship. ports. Therefore, the previous reports were not
doi:10.2503/jjshs.63.593 fatcat:zk73gbqknncungeyecat2va3sy