Comparison of Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy with and withoutInstillation and Dwell Time: Outcomes in Lower Extremity Wounds

Ayumi Onizuka, Yuta Terabe
2020 Journal of Japanese Society for Foot Care and Podiatric Medicine  
Negative-pressure wound therapy with instillation and dwell time( NPWT i-d ) became a common treatment for chronic wounds after the development of V. A. C ULTA ® . NPWT i-d shortens the length of hospital stay and facilitates wound healing compared with the conventional NPWT system. The objective of this study was to compare the outcomes of chronic lower leg ulcer treatment between NPWT and NPWT i-d. Methods: Forty-one wounds in 39 patients were included in the study. We examined the length of
more » ... ospital stay, NPWT period, time until the final operation, the number of surgical procedures performed, and the wound-healing rate.
doi:10.34466/jjsfcpm.1.3_141 fatcat:fak3mgrcbjdnfcx7keesigmwii