A UML Profile for USN Application Development based on Software Product Line Approach
프로덕트라인 기반의 USN 응용개발을 위한 UML 프로파일

Woo-Jin Lee, Il-Woo Choi
2012 Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society  
USN(Ubiquitous Sensor Network) application S/W has a complex characteristic that it controls various kind of sensor nodes organically based on the core modules of various target operating systems. Currently, various researches for efficient S/W development are being performed in USN application field. In order to increase S/W productivity, the method such as product line development approach to specify core common functions of applications according to the domain and develop applications with
more » ... e core common functions and variant functions selected according to the workflow of applications is efficient. To apply this approach to the USN domain, characteristics of USN application S/W and product line development should be specified with one consistent view. However, it is difficult to efficiently specify the characteristics using general UML notations. In order to solve the problem, this paper proposes a method to effectively specify the characteristics of USN applications and product line development using UML profile which is the extension mechanism of UML. The proposed UML profile for produce line based USN application development enables developers to effectively develop product line based USN applications using existing UML and UML support tools without new design methods or tools which are specified for USN or product line development.
doi:10.5762/kais.2012.13.9.4234 fatcat:rwxdrzz47zcldbg7emqrnemx24