Rheological Properties of Baked Systems Prepared from the Mixtures of Albumen Foam and Wheat Folurs

Toshiko Fujioka
Bulletin of Shukugawa Gakuin College  
An attempt was made to characterize the rheological properties of a series of the baked systems prepared from the mixtures of albumen foam and wheat flours so as to clarify the rheologica 玉 characteristics of sponge cakes , which are being utilized widely for providing a variety of Western − style cakes . The baked systems to be tested in this study were divided into seven categories according to the aging time before baking ( i. e .9min , 20min , 40min , and 60 min )and the kind of wheat
more » ... ( ie. weak − strength and strong − strength flours , and wheat starch granules) . The resu ユ ts obtained from the rheological measurements suggested that all
doi:10.24668/shukulib.23.0_75 fatcat:tbbe77zdbfg23mtoj6htjjb2zy