A Preliminary Study on Phytoplankton in Fresh Water-Lake of Gogi, Yadgir District, Karnataka

Katari Bhaskar, S unil Nautiyal, Y.D. Imran Khan, L. Rajanna
2015 International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology  
The present study was conducted in a semi arid region of Karnataka. The study discusses the phytoplankton diversity of the Gogi lake ecosystem. A standard methodology was followed in conducting to complete this study and samples were collected at different points from the lake ecosystem located at the core area of the proposed uranium mining site. Through a field survey, twenty one species of phytoplankton were recorded coming under four classes viz.,
doi:10.15680/ijirset.2015.0404031 fatcat:am73cxtqfbd3loru546c7jbn5m